Thursday, August 21, 2008

Making a Difference

On Saturday, September 28 I will be teaching possibly the most important class I've taught in my brief teaching career.

My friend, Pamela Broyles, is trying to raise $20,000 to take part in the Off The Mat, Into The World Seva Challenge. This year, Seane Corn and Suzanne Sterling are partnering with the Cambodian Children's Fund to conduct a yoga-based leadership training course in one of the poorest regions of the world - the garbage dumps of Cambodia where small children fend for their families by picking through the trash. During the trip, Pamela will be working directly with the children at one of the five CCF orphanages, and helping to erect a water well in a local village.

The $20,000 fund-raising goal is a requirement to demonstrate that the participants have the qualities of leadership that allow them to rally support and achieve significant goals. While a portion of the money will go to fund Pamela's trip, 90% of the remaining proceeds will be given to CCF to help support their efforts in caring and educating the children and their families. Off the Mat, Into the World® will retain the final 10% of the proceeds. This money will be used to support their charitable programs, which include paying a select number of yoga teachers in the United States willing to commit to volunteering to teach yoga to children in the inner-city educational system, juvenile detention centers, shelters, etc., once a week for one year.

To help Pamela achieve her goal, I will be teaching a 2 1/2 hour heart-opening, service-themed yoga class on Sunday, September 28 beginning at 10 a.m. at Invoke Yoga & Pilates. Suggested donation is $25. My goal is to raise $1,000, every penny of which will go to Pamela. That's only 40 people at the suggested donation level. Please help me spread the word to other yogis in our community, and to other studio owners. I'm happy to send flyers to help promote this event.

Other donations can be made online or in the mail:

1. Simply click the following link and instructions on the page:
2. Be sure to choose 'Seva Challenge' from the drop down menu, and select ‘Pamela Broyles’ from the list of names.
3. All online donations are SECURED by

By Mail:
1. To make a donation via check, please send to:
Off the Mat, Into the World®P.O. Box 748Venice, CA 90294
*Make checks payable to The Engage Network, and write Pamela Broyles on the MEMO line.
*All donations will go to The Engage Network, a 501c3 tax exempt organization.

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