Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Continuing Ed

I'm very excited...on Thursday I'm finally getting the opportunity to study with a teacher who I've wanted to study with for a while, Seane Corn. The last few times she's been in Indy, either I've been busy or out of town.

The yoga community here in the Heartland is still in it's growing stages, so there are many fewer opportunities to study with world-class vinyasa teachers like Seane right here in our own back yard. When the opportunities like this arise, it's important that we, as a community, support them so that Indy will start to become a desired destination for these high-caliber teachers. Last year, when Doug Swenson came to town to do a weekend teacher training, there were only a handful of instructors who took advantage of the opportunity. Doug has been practicing and teaching all over the world since the 1970's...he has a deep understanding and unique perspective on our practice. Sadly, because of the small turnout, it will be more difficult to convince him to return in the future.

The Anusara Yoga community seems to have built up a network to support their master teachers, helping promote their workshops and spreading the word about their teachings. Since all change starts at home, I'm going to commit to spreading the word in the local ashtanga/vinyasa community about visiting teachers who would be of interest, and make every effort to support their local teachings. We, as yoga practitioners, will benefit from the experience and knowledge of these remarkable teachers. As a community coming together for these teachings, sharing our practices and our individual insights, can only make us stronger and more connected.

Check back later for my thoughts on Seane's class!

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